How To Get Rid Of Eye Bags : Causes and Cure

By skynet
4 Min Read

Waking up with a puffy eyes is normal but living with it for a life time is concerning. You might be worry about how to get rid of those under eye-bags. Before landing to that part, the good news is that these bags under eyes won’t affect vision or eye health.

But who loves ageing or puffy eyes looking older that your age ?

There are many quick and easy steps or routine that you can follow to get rid of eye bags. Let’s learn in this article.

What Causes Eye bags?

Not one, there might be several reason that can get you puffy eyes. Sometimes, your age, as you get older, the muscles around your eyes gets weaken, leading to saggy skin and forming bags under eyes.

Other than that, there are still many reason, including :

  • Allergies
  • Thyroid
  • Genetics
  • High Salt Foods
  • Smoking
  • Crying
  • Lack of sleep

How to Get Rid of Eye Bags

Lets say, you are waking up with saggy eye bags or puffy lids, there some quick fix that might help.

1.Use Tea Bags

There are multiple science backed claims that tea bags can help in getting rid of eye bags and dark circles around eyes or the puffy, saggy skin. The amount of caffeine found in tea bags are powerful antioxidants which helps in increasing blood circulation under eyes.

How to apply tea bags

Dip the tea bags in water for 2-4 minutes, after that squeeze extra water. Put the tea bags under-eye and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Do this regularly for better result.

2.Use Cucumber Slice

Cucumber slices are used during cosmetic or boutique treatment. Cucumber contains adequate amount of water, when put on eyes area, helps to provide hydration to skin.

3. Get Enough Sleep

Getting a sleep schedule of at least 8 hours is crucial and helps your skin and other metabolism of body to perform well. Avoid screens, such as televisions, cell phones, and other electronic devices before going to bed.

4. Eat More Iron

Iron deficiency can cause red blood cells lacking, leading to deficiency in cell’s oxygen level. The same can cause dark circles under the eyes.

Adding iron-rich foods can help your body to regain red blood cells count. Here are some iron-rich foods:

  • red meat, pork, and poultry
  • seafood
  • beans
  • leafy green veggies, like kale and spinach
  • raisins, apricots, and other dried fruits
  • iron-fortified foods, like cereals, breads, and pasta
  • peas

5. Use Sun-screen

Excessive exposure to sun light can also lead to wrinkles around eyes, later causing dark circles and puffy skin. Use sunscreen whenever stepping out in sun. Protecting your skin against the sun’s rays can help with a number of dermatological issues.

There are some more screen care routine that should be followed during summer season to protect your skin and health. Read a detailed article on summer skin care routine .

6. Drink more Water

Dehydration can contribute to under-eye bags as well. Keeping your body hydrated helps in proper circulation of blood and oxygen carried over through out the cells.

Adequate intake (AI) of water is 13 cups for men and 9 cups for women is recommended for a healthy life style.

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